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Annual TLC Set to Instruct Teens in Becoming Servant Leaders

Annual TLC Set to Instruct Teens in Becoming Servant Leaders

Published June 22, 2017

Clarks Summit University is gearing up for Teen Leadership Conference 2017! Registrations are being processed, counselors are counting down the days and all involved are looking forward to the high-energy fun and spiritual growth to be experienced at TLC this year.

“…Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave –  just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” These words, and the surrounding parable, found in Matthew 20 explain the concept of servant leadership.

This year at TLC high school students will be challenged with the concept and practical execution of servant leadership. The theme for 2017 is #tlcserves | Genuine influence is being a servant.

TLC: Changing Lives

TLC is one of the premiere youth events in the country. The event is held on two separate weeks in July and is designed for teenagers who are serious about making an impact for Christ.

Current CSU student and former TLC participant, Colby Bonewitz, said, “TLC is one of those events that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. The relationships that begin there with some of your own church members and others you have never met are the best you’ll ever have. I personally received Christ during my first year going to TLC, so the impact it has had on me is one that has changed my life forever. Praise God!”

Participants will join hundreds of students from across the country and engage in relevant and practical Biblical teaching from dynamic speakers. They will leave having gained practical training from the conference. Participants will also engage in high-energy, God-centered worship, along with pointed leadership challenges, one-on-one and small group ministry.

“Teen Leadership Conference is the highlight of each summer.  Students will have a blast, be challenged by God’s Word and be equipped to carry the spiritual momentum they experience into their everyday lives, churches and communities,” said youth pastor and CSU alumnus Corey Hancock.

What are You Waiting for?

The conference will be held July 17-22 and July 24-29, 2017. The week-long experience is for high school students who want to be leaders in their churches, schools and communities.

Register today for TLC! 


-Jessica Eddy, junior in the Communications-Writing program

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