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October Internship Report – Jonathan and Sarah Chadbourn (Claire, Matthew, Micah, Adelynn and David)

October Internship Report – Jonathan and Sarah Chadbourn (Claire, Matthew, Micah, Adelynn and David)

Published September 28, 2017

Rural Home Missionary Association, Morton, Illinois 


Ministry Highlights

I had the opportunity to train another couple in rural ministry this month. They were new to our mission and this was their beginning orientation. I had never done this before, but it was refreshing to see how God used my past experience and my present study to do make this a reality.

I led an evangelistic outreach for about 50 kids. They were a diverse age-range, and it took some careful planning and creativity to keep them actively engaged. It was a delight to lead this program and I look forward to seeing how God used it in the weeks ahead.

I am working closely with a young man who is struggling with God’s direction for his life. He has struggled mightily in finding a place to serve the Lord for both internal and external reasons. Yet, God is opening some opportunities for him and we are rejoicing together for that. It is a delight to come alongside someone who is struggling, and then see God move and work!

Key Prayer Requests

Praise that God answered prayer for our family. I have repeatedly mentioned in my reports that one of our kids has struggled in adapting to his new school. Though he isn’t at ease yet, he is much more comfortable and confident. This has been a great help for our family.

I am teaching an adult Sunday School class for one of my ministry projects. That starts on October 15th. Pray that God would aid me in my preparation and use it to benefit our church.

Prominent Lessons

I learned that speaking to kids takes creativity and preparation to make sure they still involved with what is being said.

I learned that time management in ministry is critical. My internship busyness has come in spurts. There have been lulls in activity and then periods of fervent action. If I don’t use the lulls effectively for preparation then I won’t be ready in the more active times.

Saying “yes” to everything isn’t good. I’ve never liked disappointing people. Therefore, my ministry posture has leaned to saying “yes” to most endeavors that come along. Yet, this can be very distracting and disruptive in ministry. You can be involved in a lot of activity, and drift away from the primary reasons you are doing ministry. Our ministry efforts need to remain fixed on the vision God has given us. Therefore, the word “no” can be a wonderfully productive word!

I continue to learn that ministry grows out of one’s own spiritual life. We cannot disassociate our personal walks with the Lord from our ministry efforts. To do so robs us of our power, and renders our work ineffective (in God’s eyes). I serve the Lord best when I am walking with him in daily dependence.

Key Goals for the Next Month

Make great headway on my ministry projects. My Sunday School class begins October 15th.

As the busyness of ministry ramps up, my goal will be to maintain my time with my kids. They are important and I must not allow ministry to make me become an absent dad. I will need to do well at managing my time. It is my most precious resource.

Pray for our country. As I type this form I’m processing what happened regarding the shooting in Las Vegas. Our country needs the Lord, both to prevent tragedies like this from happening, and for helping us process it when they do.


Ministry Highlights

Working alongside my husband as we worked through candidate orientation for a couple with RHMA (our mission).

Seeing our older two children understand a little more what Daddy does now.

Key Prayer Requests

Pray for all the writing and speaking opportunities coming up for both my husband and I.

Pray that we and our children will continue to grow in our walks with the Lord.

Pray for health during the coming flu and cold season. Two of our boys have asthma and are very susceptible to pneumonia this time of year.

Praise God for opportunities and testing in which He graciously grows our faith in Him.

Prominent Lessons

God has brought many long-prayed for dreams and desires to pass this last year. Yet, through the hardships of change (even while these desires came true) God once again showed Himself to be the only true need in my life. He is good to give us our desires, yet those desires do not fulfill. Only God is the ultimate fulfiller of our hearts.

Key Goals for the Next Month

Invite at least 3 families over for a meal.

Complete my reading of Christ Centered Biblical Counseling.

Listen well to my children without the distraction of the the to do list.

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