What’s there to do at CSU?

What’s there to do at CSU?

Published October 2, 2019 in Summit Magazine

Want to compete in NCAA Division III?
Have a heart to serve? Ready to take the stage?
More interested in taking the lead and creating events for your fellow students?

Whether you want to get involved in athletics, theatre, music, leadership development, missions or writing, you’ll find plenty of involvement at Clarks Summit University! The best part is, at CSU, we use every experience to help prepare you for your future—by knowing God more, developing your soft skills for your career and growing in personal development.


“Planning and putting together events with the SLC’s Executive Team is always a blast! I’ve learned a lot about what it means to work as a team.”

Erika Bopp, Student Leadership Council president, Worship Studies major


“One thing I love about being on RiSE is the emphasis it places on discipleship. About 1/10 of our time on tour is spent performing. The rest of the time, we’re ministering to staffers and students. The experience has equipped me for ministry and community life in a way I don’t think many other opportunities could.”

Caleb Brink, RiSE member, Communications-Media major


“I knew being the student editor would be a great learning experience. It is a great supplement to what I have been learning in my classes at CSU and is adding to my skill set for the journalism field, which I want to enter after I graduate.”

Mariah Fredenburg, Vantage Magazine student editor, Communications-Writing major


“I enjoyed how close the team was and how we all bonded throughout the season.”

Evan Michal, CSAC Men’s Tennis Player of the Year, Business Administration major


“One of the things I’ve enjoyed most is the community. As an actor, I play a role in creating the story and building something much bigger than just reciting a script. I portray feelings and emotions that people can experience, relate to and sympathize with.”

Jack Simons, Theatre Department actor, Business Administration major


“I enjoy the fellowship with the other girls on dorm leadership. It’s almost like we’re a family. It has shown me it’s okay to depend on other people. We need others around us to help us through life.”

Emily Johnson, vice president of Carter Hall, Elementary Education major


“I enjoyed planning themes for sports competitions that helped make a more encouraging atmosphere for the athletes. I learned the importance of uniting for greater causes that meet the community needs around us.”

Josh Knight, Defender Baseball player, SAAC member, Sports Management major


“I love the opportunity to hear about so many cool things that God is doing around the world. I have learned a lot about myself, leadership, organization and communication.”

Elizabeth Abbott, Student Missions Fellowship president, Communications-Writing major


“Our choir is a family, and the memories that are made in the rehearsals I will treasure for the rest of my life!”

Autumn Mason, choir member, Worship Studies major

By Nathan Miller (’15)

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