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Residence Hall Reunions Featured During Homecoming 2017

Residence Hall Reunions Featured During Homecoming 2017

Published March 7, 2017

The Alumni Association’s Executive Council recently met and announced some exciting plans for the 2017 Alumni Bible Conference and Homecoming Week!

Alumni, get ready to show your dorm pride as residence hall reunions will be held Friday, October 13, 2017. You’ll have the opportunity to come back and connect with other alumni who lived in the same dorm.

Week of Fun!

CSU’s Alumni Bible Conference & Homecoming Week is October 11–14, 2017. The annual Bible Conference will feature speakers Ken Rudolph (’75 and ’98), Mark Stuenzi (’88) and Dr. Jim Lytle (’77, ’81 and ’84). “Alumni day” on Friday, October 13, includes alumni awards, Athletic Hall of Honor inductions and residence hall reunions. The Homecoming Block Party will be Saturday, October 14.

Residence Hall Reunions

The CSU Alumni Association and current residence hall directors will host the open house reunions in each residence hall on Friday afternoon. Former RDs are invited to return and reconnect with students who lived in their residence halls while at CSU. A “Johnson City Reunion” will also be held in Jackson Hall that day.

Unique Residential Experience

Since CSU arrived on this campus in 1968, generation after generation of students have benefited from our unique residence hall setup. The mentoring relationships provided by dorm parents and RAs have been life changing for many; plus lasting friendships have been fostered by living with others in our residence halls.

Save the Date!

Join us for residence hall open houses and the rest of Homecoming Week 2017. Take this opportunity to reconnect with friends who spent their college experience in the same residence hall as you did.

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