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Professor Becomes Student to Learn Biblical Languages

Professor Becomes Student to Learn Biblical Languages

Professor of Educational Psychology at University Of Nebraska (Lincoln), Dr. Ed Daly trains consultants that work with teachers to develop academic interventions with students who have learning issues. Daly, a professor for 25 years, has his doctor of philosophy degree and is deacon of the adult Sunday school program at his local church. Since his goal in that ministry is to help train future teachers of the church, he sought out a seminary program to equip him well to lead.

Daly had a friend who was an engineer who was looking into seminary education himself. Baptist Bible Seminary stood on that friend’s list because of the value of BBS’ Master of Arts program and the asynchronous format of classes.

As Daly investigated further, he was drawn in by the study of languages offered in the BBS program. Fluent in French, Daily has always been interested in languages and was intrigued with original languages of God’s Word. Although he taught in church, he felt he needed better tools to make the most of the privilege God gave him in that ministry. He wanted to use his own knowledge of Hebrew and Greek rather than just getting information from commentaries.

Learning the Language

As a professor, Daly appreciated the curriculum offered. In the Master of Arts program, both the theological foundation and the languages of Hebrew and Greek, gave him a comprehensive understanding of God’s Word.

Because of the foundation in biblical languages, Daly says, “You get to have a conversation with the commentaries, rather than a blind leading by them. Even in a year, my ability to read and study the language along with a study in the exegetical commentaries, gave me a fresh outlook on the word of God.”

The Master of Arts with a concentration in Biblical Languages has given Daly a foundation of those languages including vocabulary and grammar. Then, he was able to put those pieces together through learning exegetical skills, such as diagramming. This provided him substantial movement forward while doing exegesis, and he was able to understand the Greek scholars.

Deepened Teaching Ministry

“These classes have even improved my teaching at church,” Daly continues. By studying original languages, he’s gained confidence in teaching at church along with a more dynamic outlook and a better level of clarity in studying the Word of God.”

Daly says he would leave his job currently to go to full-time ministry; should the Lord open the door for it. “I’m learning things that apply directly to my ministry now, and if the degree moves doors for ministry for me, so be it. And if not, the program has still been enriching.”

Personal Support

The faculty at BBS is wonderful and supportive,” Daly describes. “Their courses are designed for success, and the professors are spiritually engaging with their students.” He found the exercises, readings and content from the professors are meaningful, and he especially appreciates the personal care. He says, “The professors are praying for me and provide an environment to pray for one another in the class. The faculty do a great job helping the students work on their own hearts through careful study on toward application to your life. There is great balance in the program.”

Discover more about the BBS Master of Arts.


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