Double Play

Double Play

Published October 23, 2019 in Summit Magazine

Believers are called to share the gospel through their words and actions in everything they do. Twin Clarks Summit University students who strive to do just that are Noah and Andreas Bailey of Harmony, Pennsylvania.

Noah Bailey, an Entrepreneurship major, has an antiquing business. He goes to flea markets, thrift stores and old properties to go “picking” or searching for antiques. For Bailey, picking is a way to preserve American history—and a way to share the gospel. His father, an antique dealer, used to take him to flea markets to search for lost treasure, so his childhood was greatly impacted by the world of picking. He remembers the first time he was old enough to go picking with his father and buy inventory for their business.

Bailey says, “The hunt for finding items is my passion and one of the main reasons I became a picker, but I find it more exciting to have conversations with the people I meet. God continually reminds me of my purpose in becoming a picker and has blessed me with several moving conversations. When a person allows me on their property to pick, a barrier has been torn down and trust has been built. It is through this trust that I discover lost goods and have the opportunity to not only save America’s past, but share God’s truth with strangers.” Bailey shares encouraging stories of how God has used his antiquing business to further the gospel. He recalls, during a typical thrift store pick, “God opened my eyes to see that He can use anyone at any time to advance His kingdom.”

Bailey and his twin brother Andreas, a pastoral ministries major, have both played on the university’s baseball team. Andreas completed his on-campus studies at CSU this past December, and Noah is starting his third year on CSU’s baseball team. Bailey uses this platform as another way to spread the gospel, explaining, “It is during these baseball seasons that I have seen the Lord give me the boldness to speak with players on opposing teams. In every game, I aim to make the opposing team feel the love of Christ by putting them first and baseball second. This is done by simply reaching out a hand and sparking a brief conversation with players in between pitches.” He has seen the Lord give him numerous occasions to share his faith with players from other schools as well as the umpires.

Both Bailey brothers use baseball to reach young people by working with Christian Sports International, an organization that leads baseball camps across western Pennsylvania to teach the game and share the gospel. At these camps, Bailey has witnessed young ball players from Pittsburgh come to Christ, which he says excites him “for the future generations of the local church.”

During his time at CSU, Bailey has learned, “as one’s passions align with God’s Word, He can do the impossible…I believe God places specific passions on our hearts to use as an avenue to share His truth with the lost.

By Mariah Fredenburg (’19)

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Story updated March 3, 2020

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